Saturday, September 22, 2007

Peak Oil: Watch these movies

Few people have probably ever heard of Marion King Hubbert, but his idea of 'peak oil' has profound implications. Put simply, he proposed that the rate of oil production follows a bell-shaped curved: first it increases, then it terminally decreases. In 1956, he predicted that America would reach its peak oil production rate around 1965-70. He was laughed out of a job, but America actually peaked in 1970. That means since then, our oil production rate continues to drop. But our demand for oil continues to increase. He predicted world peak oil production would happen about now. Below is a graph of expected peak oil production for many countries around the world. We're running out of oil.

Since our society essentially runs on oil (for energy and plastic), what are we going to do?! First off, check out these movies to learn more about peak oil. Everyone likes movies.
Each of them really made me think about our country's dependency on oil, especially the foreign variety. CO2 isn't the oil reason to lower our consumption of oil. Check it out for yourself, tell a friend, and leave a comment on ways you intend to reduce your dependency on (foreign) oil!

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