Cars are great. They're reliable, safe and take you exactly where you need to go at any hour of the day. They make a statement about your personality, albeit not always a flattering one. (A friend of mine used to drive a car known affectionately as 'The Purple Dumpster.') I love my car, but it's a terrible thing. When considering car payments, gas, insurance and repairs, it's the most expensive thing I do, rivaling my rent. Unless you've been living under a rock (or in your car), you know all about the issues with green house gases. And when you consider peak oil, gas prices are only expected to rise. Is there anything you can do?! Of course there is. - Internet. Don't go anywhere. Telecommute to work. Order stuff online. You can find anything, and many websites offer free shipping and don't charge tax (although your state might require you to pay it).
- Walk. Spend a couple hours one day and walk 15 minutes from your house in all directions and see what you can find. Exercise, fresh air and meeting neighbors are just a few of the potential benefits.
- Bike. Don your helmet and off you go. 'No bike' you say? Check craigslist for a cheap one.
- Bus. Fight the social stigma of riding the bus. You don't have to take it everywhere. Bring a book or some cell phone games.
- Carpool. Not only is the Internet good for connecting junk-dealers with junk-lovers on eBay, many cities are creating websites to quickly locate carpool buddies.
- Drive. If driving is absolutely necessary, try to combine trips.
No one single idea is meant to replace your car. But I encourage you to consider alternate means of getting from point A to point B. I typically walk to the grocery store, bike to Target or the park, and take the bus to school. My car, my wallet and the environment are all enjoying a well-earned rest. I'm trying to think outside my car and find new, cheaper, more enviro-friendly ways to get around.
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