Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dear global warming skeptics

Chances are if you're reading this blog, you probably believe that global warming is real to some degree. There are, however, a few people who think climate change is made-up. They constitute a small percentage of the population. I am certain this group is highly correlated with the tiny group of people who still support President Bush. Regardless, let's assume (based on data) that global warming is real. What's the big deal?

I try to focus my blog entries on things that people can do to become more sustainable. This entry, however, is dedicated to 100 things you won't be able to do if climate change continues.

The Center for American Progress complied a list of 100 things that will be effected by global warming. Here are some that jumped out at me:
  • less guacamole
  • fewer polar bears
  • more giant squid attacks
  • melting glaciers
  • more heart attacks
  • more malaria
  • reduced national security
  • wasted money

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