[industrial farm] activity was identified as a source of pollution for 48% of stream and river water, and for 41% of lake water.
grain-fed beef...requires thirty-five calories for every calorie of beef produced.
one study of 34,000 pigs found that 65% of the animals had "pneumonia-like lesions" in their lungs.
roughly 25,000 square kilometers or 6 million acres of the Amazon rainforest is cut down every year for grazing cattle and to grow soybeans that are used for animal feed.
To learn more, watch The Meatrix, a Matrix-style expose on the meat industry.
Because of what I learned these and other sources, I decided to cease eating meat of any kind and to try to consume eggs and cheese produced through sustainable methods. I don't necessarily ask everyone to take this route; you need to find what works for you. I'll have more information about animal agriculture in future posts, so be sure to check back regularly.
If you find these issues appalling as I did, I suggest ordering a FREE vegetarian starter kit.
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