Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pray for water conservation

While attending Governor Perdue's rain prayer service, I thought it would be a slightly better idea to pray for water conservation. Not only did I pray for the sinners who are wasting water in drought-ridden areas of the world, I prayed for the sinners who take their water for granted.

It isn't clear (according to the Weather Channel) if the prayers for rain worked. So, here are some water facts for your consumption consideration via CNN:
  • Brushing teeth (2 gallons)
  • Running the dishwasher (20 gallons)
  • Long shower (35 gallons)
  • Washing clothes (40 gallons)
  • Taking a bath (35 gallons)
This isn't rocket science. Using less water will mean more water for others (which includes you in the future). Since washing clothes tops out the list at 40 gallons, here are my suggestions:
  • Wear outer clothes multiple times before washing (outer clothes are articles other than underwear)
  • Use bath towels a few times... if you shower properly, towels should remain mostly clean since you are simply drying yourself
  • Less washing also means your clothes will last longer...
If you're worried about smelling bad... don't! I'm obsessive about how I smell, and everything is just fine. Just ask my friends.

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