Saturday, December 15, 2007

Start something of your own

It's one thing to make informed, responsible decisions, but helping others to do the same can be something so much more. When I recycle, I typically end up with about 5 grocery bags of items per month. But there are still many people who toss their recyclables into the trash. Not only do some of these items stick around for thousands of years, it often requires more energy to create a new item from raw materials than from recycled materials. Though my direct impact is small, by urging people to recycle, I can have a greater impact. This was a primary motivating factor for me to help implement a recycling program at my school. A team of us are working to design a sustainable recycling program for one of the major dorms.

Recycling is just one topic. What else can be done? There are many ways that you can help support meaningful change in your community. Please share ideas with others in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

In an effort to stop wasting electricity I've started unplugging cords when they aren't in use - for instance my cell phone charger. It doesn't need to be plugged into the wall when my phone isn't being charged. What can you unplug? ;)

Keith said...

Thanks for the comment. I "unplug" almost everything in my apartment nightly. An easy way to do it is to plug everything into a few power strips. Then, just simply flip the switch and everything gets "unplugged" at once. Check out my post on vampire power for more info.